Creative director, designer.


Michael Jeter is a creative director and designer based in Austin,TX. He also dabbles in other totally normal pursuits.


Zapier Rebrand, 2022
Credits: Zapier Brand Studio


Jeter is currently creative director at Zapier, leading a team of fantastic creatives. The gig is pretty damn enjoyable.


Sundance + Dropbox
Michael Jeter: Creative Director, Editor
Tiffani Jones Brown: Writer
Gabie Matte: Art Direction
Arsenii Vaselenko: Co-Director, Director or Photography
Blake Henderson: Music and Sound
Etienne Ma: Strategy
Where the Buffalo Roam + Connie Ahn: Production


In a past life, Jeter was known to get a little wild and weird as a Creative Director at Dropbox.

Dropbox - Flow Like JazzCreative Direction: Michael Jeter Words: LaDonna Willems Design: Lexi Visco, Pedro del Corro Animation: Kenny Brandenberger, Anthony Velen
Flow Like a Current

Dropbox Flow OOH campaign
Creative Director: Michael Jeter
Writing: Ladonna Witmer
Design: Lexi Visco, Pedro Delcorro
Animation: Kenny Brandenberger + Anthony Velen
Producer: Ryan Wilson


Generally, Jeter is happiest making work that freaks out the normies. But hey, normies need good design too.

Dropbox social campaignCreative Direction: Michael Jeter Agency: Instrument Director: Jonpaul Douglass Producer: Connie Ahn

Brand Vignettes
Creative Direction: Michael Jeter
Director: JonPaul Douglass
Agency: Instrument
Production: Ways and Means + Connie Ahn


Oh yeah! He has two kids, a badass wife, and a semi-decent dog. They put up with his shit. Sometimes, they even laugh at his jokes.


If you are interested in having a conversation about creative theories and pursuits, send an email.